
Hi my name is Blimpie. I am a little older than Cheesepuff and Juliet (Tonya guesses around 1). I first meet The Faulks' when i was just a baby.... I followed a cat (who i then learned to be Snowball) out of the woods where id been living and she took me to a very cute little home about 1/4 a mile away. I saw two children playing with other kittens and two adults planting flowers and picking ugly stuff out of garden(weeds i think) i slowly walked up to them and and was greeted by Terri who told the rest about me. They were all very nice. They feed me and then ave me a bath, that was when they started to worry about me. The said i was dreadfully thin and they feed me some more. Later they took me to the vet. Who said it would be okay to take in in as their own. So they did. They decided to call me Blimpie because after staying with them for only 2 days i gained all my weight back and a little more ! Now enough about my life story. heres some basics.